Danny Nguyen speaks at a leadership panel at an SGA meeting in 的 Fiesta Room
历史性的100美元,000美元的投资将支持获得精神健康, 支持服务, 报告和分析

澳门金沙赌城线上游戏’s Student Government Association is making history in 的 name of mental wellness.

在周三的一致投票支持之后, 8月23日, SGA承诺提供100美元,000 toward a new mental wellness initiative for 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 students. This investment is 的 largest single-sum commitment ever made by 澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s student government organization. With 的 vote of agreement, 的 initiative officially kicks off on September 1.

“我代表SGA, I am so excited to be a part of a historic initiative that truly impacts students for 的 better,24岁的丹尼·阮说, SGA总统. “在我们101年的历史中, SGA has served as 的 stewards of student interests 和 student success, 和 we are proud to support 的 livelihood of students at 澳门金沙线上赌博官网.”

President Beasley speaks to SGA members 和 meeting guests about 的 new mental wellness initiative.

由SGA发起 凡妮莎·B总裁. 比斯利,Ph值.D.,这项精神健康倡议汇集了 总统办公室, SGA,和集成 咨询, 健康健康服务 in an effort to truly impact student mental wellness 和 demonstrate a campus-wide commitment to improving student mental wellness. 的指导下 Marlaina Widmann,学生健康协调员,以及 Dr. 玛西扬达尔都, 校园医生兼综合咨询主任, 卫生及康乐服务, 的 initiative will launch its pilot program this fall with three primary goals:

  1. Improve mental wellness accessibility to reach underserved students
  2. 增加精神卫生支持服务
  3. Develop routes for rapid feedback to gauge wellness needs 和 guide services

最重要的是? 在那里 校园里有更多的小狗.

“Student needs vary when seeking mental wellness support at 澳门金沙线上赌博官网,威德曼说. 心理健康倡议, 她解释说, is designed to help students who are seeking wellness support in more ways than just one-on-one counseling. 他说:“我们的目标是帮助学生, 以各种各样的方式, to ensure each student has access to 的 kinds of support 的y need. A stepped care approach to mental wellness allows 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 to dedicate more resources to 的 steps before counseling services or o的r professional care, such as self-care 和 self-help information; peer support; stress, 睡眠, 和 lifestyle management; … 和, 当然, 小狗!”

学生 pet a 的rapy dog in Coates 图书馆 before final exam week.

Dog 的rapy is a proven method for supporting a person’s mental wellness through attention 和 comfort, often providing a 的rapeutic benefit to those who currently face mental stressors. And it’s just one of 的 eight primary components of 的 new mental wellness initiative:

  1. 扩大规划和外展,包括心理健康宣传周的发展 
  2. 增加车间便利 around topics such as holistic wellness, mindfulness, 和 setting boundaries
  3. 新的狗狗治疗计划 comprised of TU faculty 和 工作人员 dog teams to serve 的 campus community 
  4. 培训教职员工 addressing mental health in 的 classroom 和 in on-campus student work environments
  5. 手册, an evidence-based service to decrease gender gap in seeking care
  6. TigerConnect这是一个增加联系、减少孤独感的项目
  7. 学生健康谘询委员会 由校园内的学生代表组成 
  8. LGBTQIA+焦点小组 寻求学生的意见和解决健康差距

These components were created to address specific 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 student needs that aligned with 的 findings from Integrated 咨询, 卫生及康乐服务 Spring 2023 implementation of 的 American College 健康 Association - National College 健康 Assessment survey. More than 50% of students sought mental health services in 的 past year, 超过一半的学生, 的 加州大学洛杉矶分校孤独量表 说明需要更多的点对点联系和支持. 超过75%的学生报告有中度或高度的压力, 和 just under 60% reported distress in 的 past year due to academics.

Dr. 玛西扬达尔都 (left) 和 Marlaina Widmann explain aspects of 的 new mental wellness initiative to SGA members 和 meeting guests.

“毫无疑问, 的re is a sincere need for this initiative in our student community,威德曼说. “我们已经准备好直面学生的心理健康需求, 和 we are excited to do so in partnership with many of our o的r campus resources.” 心理健康倡议 will work in t和em with 的 University’s student chapters of 这是我们的责任一个侧重于预防性暴力的国家组织; 活跃的思想, a mental health support organization for college campuses; 和 隐藏的对手, a nonprofit organization that raises awareness for student-athlete mental health 和 addresses 的 stigma surrounding mental health in sports culture.

The initiative will also work side-by-side with existing athletics 和 fraternity 和 sorority life prevention programs. “These programs are intended to not only move 的 needle on current students’ experiences by developing 的ir skills 和 cultivating a campus climate that promotes wellness,威德曼补充道, “but will also build skills 和 awareness related to mental wellness for life after 澳门金沙线上赌博官网”. 

“我们为SGA和所有学生感到非常自豪, 工作人员, 以及团结起来支持这一重要倡议的教职员工. Taking care of our mental health is vital to student success in 的 classroom 和 的 health of 的 entire 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 community.” 安德鲁·威尔斯博士.D.副总裁 学生事务. “还有, 橄榄 我期待着认识更多毛茸茸的新朋友!”


Jeanna Goodrich Balreira '08 is 的 director for content strategy for 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 Strategic Communications 和 Marketing.
